PXD049184 is an
original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.
Dataset Summary
Title | Identification of phosphorylation sites on NAP1/AZI2 |
Description | We observed smearing for the TBK1-adaptor protein NAP1/AZI2 during mitophagy. To verify whether this smearing was due to phosphorylation by TBK1, we performed an in vitro kinase assay and complemented this with the immunoprecipitation of NAP1 from HAP1, whose genetic background (FIP200 knockout) results in hyperactivation of TBK1. |
HostingRepository | PRIDE |
AnnounceDate | 2024-04-12 |
AnnouncementXML | Submission_2024-04-12_04:30:12.928.xml |
DigitalObjectIdentifier | |
ReviewLevel | Peer-reviewed dataset |
DatasetOrigin | Original dataset |
RepositorySupport | Unsupported dataset by repository |
PrimarySubmitter | WeiQiang Chen |
SpeciesList | scientific name: Homo sapiens (Human); NCBI TaxID: 9606; |
ModificationList | phosphorylated residue |
Instrument | Orbitrap Exploris 480; Q Exactive HF-X |
Dataset History
Revision | Datetime | Status | ChangeLog Entry |
0 | 2024-02-05 07:56:25 | ID requested | |
⏵ 1 | 2024-04-12 04:30:13 | announced | |
2 | 2024-10-22 06:35:58 | announced | 2024-10-22: Updated project metadata. |
Publication List
Dataset with its publication pending |
Keyword List
submitter keyword: AZI2, NAP1,Mitophagy, TBK1 |
Contact List
Sascha Martens |
contact affiliation | University of Vienna, Max Perutz Labs, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9 / Vienna Biocenter 5, 1030, Vienna, Austria |
contact email | sascha.martens@univie.ac.at |
lab head | |
WeiQiang Chen |
contact affiliation | Mass Spectrometry Facility, Max Perutz Laboratories Support GmbH |
contact email | chenweiqiang@gmail.com |
dataset submitter | |
Full Dataset Link List
Dataset FTP location
NOTE: Most web browsers have now discontinued native support for FTP access within the browser window. But you can usually install another FTP app (we recommend FileZilla) and configure your browser to launch the external application when you click on this FTP link. Or otherwise, launch an app that supports FTP (like FileZilla) and use this address: ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2024/04/PXD049184 |
PRIDE project URI |
Repository Record List
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- PXD049184
- Label: PRIDE project
- Name: Identification of phosphorylation sites on NAP1/AZI2