PXD047732 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.
Dataset Summary
Title | Genome-guided isolation of Fervidibacter sacchari, an aerobic, hyperthermophilic polysaccharide-degrading specialist |
Description | Few aerobic hyperthermophiles degrade polysaccharides. Here, we describe the genome-enabled enrichment and optical tweezer-based isolation of an aerobic hyperthermophile, Fervidibacter sacchari, which was originally ascribed to candidate phylum Fervidibacteria. F. sacchari uses polysaccharides and monosaccharides as sole carbon sources from 65-87.5 Celsius and expresses 190 carbohydrate-active enzymes according to RNA-Seq and proteomics, including 31 with unusual glycoside hydrolase 177 or 179 domains. |
HostingRepository | MassIVE |
AnnounceDate | 2023-12-12 |
AnnouncementXML | Submission_2023-12-12_12:16:12.742.xml |
DigitalObjectIdentifier | |
ReviewLevel | Non peer-reviewed dataset |
DatasetOrigin | Original dataset |
RepositorySupport | Unsupported dataset by repository |
PrimarySubmitter | gabriela grigorean |
SpeciesList | scientific name: Fervidibacter sacchari; |
ModificationList | CarbamidomethylDTT; Oxidation; Acetyl |
Instrument | timsTOF Pro |
Dataset History
Revision | Datetime | Status | ChangeLog Entry |
0 | 2023-12-11 18:25:37 | ID requested | |
⏵ 1 | 2023-12-12 12:16:13 | announced |
Publication List
no publication |
Keyword List
submitter keyword: aerobic, hyperthermophilae, polysaccharide-degrading |
Contact List
Brian P. Hedlund | |
contact affiliation | University of Nevada |
contact email | brian.hedlund@unlv.edu |
lab head | |
gabriela grigorean | |
contact affiliation | ucd |
contact email | ggrigorean@ucdavis.edu |
dataset submitter |
Full Dataset Link List
MassIVE dataset URI |
Dataset FTP location NOTE: Most web browsers have now discontinued native support for FTP access within the browser window. But you can usually install another FTP app (we recommend FileZilla) and configure your browser to launch the external application when you click on this FTP link. Or otherwise, launch an app that supports FTP (like FileZilla) and use this address: ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000093641/ |