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PXD043041 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleTurboID-mediated proximity labeling for screening interacting proteins of FIP37 in Arabidopsis
DescriptionProximity labeling (PL) was recently developed to detect protein–protein interactions (PPIs) and members of subcellular multiprotein structures in living cells. Proximity labeling is conducted by fusing an engineered enzyme with catalytic activity, such as biotin ligase, to a protein of interest (bait protein) to biotinylate adjacent proteins. The biotinylated protein can be purified by strep-tavidin beads, and identified by mass spectrometry (MS). TurboID is an engineered biotin ligase with high catalytic efficiency, which is used for proximity labeling. Although TurboID-based proximity labeling technology has been successfully established in mammals, its application in plant systems is limited. Here, we report the usage of TurboID for proximity labeling of FIP37, a core member of m6A methyltransferase complex, to identify FIP37 interacting proteins in Ara-bidopsis thaliana. By analyzing the MS data, we found 214 proteins biotinylated by GFP-TurboID-FIP37 fusion, including five components of m6A methyltransferase complex that have been previously confirmed. Therefore, the identified proteins may include potential proteins directly involved in the m6A pathway or functionally related to m6A-coupled mRNA processing due to spatial proximity. Moreover, we demonstrated the feasibility of proximity labeling tech-nology in plant epitranscriptomics studies, thereby expanding the application of this technology to more subjects of plant research.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportSupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterli xiao fang
SpeciesList scientific name: Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress); NCBI TaxID: 3702;
ModificationListNo PTMs are included in the dataset
InstrumentQ Exactive
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02023-06-15 20:33:26ID requested
12024-01-26 09:05:13announced
Publication List
Li X, Wei Y, Fei Q, Fu G, Gan Y, Shi C, . Plant Direct, 7(12):e555(2023) [pubmed]
Keyword List
submitter keyword: proximity labeling (PL)
protein–protein interactions (PPIs)
Contact List
Chuanlin Shi
contact affiliationChinese Academy of Agricultural Science
contact emailshichuanlin@caas.cn
lab head
li xiao fang
contact affiliationChinese Academy of Agricultural Science
contact emailfree8849@163.com
dataset submitter
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