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PXD035893 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleMultiomic analysis of Cohesin reveals that ZBTB transcription factors contribute to chromatin interactions
DescriptionOne bottleneck in understanding the principles of 3D chromatin structures is caused by the paucity of known regulators. Cohesin is essential for 3D chromatin organization, and its interacting partners are candidate regulators. Here, we performed proteomic profiling of the Cohesin in chromatin and identified transcription factors, RNA-binding proteins, and chromatin regulators associated with Cohesin. Acute protein degradation followed by time-series genomic binding quantitation and BAT Hi-C analysis were conducted, and the results showed that the transcription factor ZBTB21 contributes to Cohesin chromatin binding, 3D chromatin interactions and transcriptional repression. Strikingly, multiomic analyses revealed that the other four ZBTB factors interacted with Cohesin, and double degradation of ZBTB21 and ZBTB7B led to a further decrease in Cohesin chromatin occupancy. We propose that multiple ZBTB transcription factors orchestrate the chromatin binding of Cohesin to regulate chromatin interactions, and we provide a catalog of many additional proteins associated with Cohesin that warrant further investigation.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
SpeciesList scientific name: Mus musculus (Mouse); NCBI TaxID: 10090;
ModificationListNo PTMs are included in the dataset
InstrumentOrbitrap Fusion Lumos
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02022-08-08 10:18:25ID requested
12023-06-05 01:00:26announced
22023-11-14 08:48:41announced2023-11-14: Updated project metadata.
Publication List
Wang R, Xu Q, Wang C, Tian K, Wang H, Ji X, Multiomic analysis of cohesin reveals that ZBTB transcription factors contribute to chromatin interactions. Nucleic Acids Res, 51(13):6784-6805(2023) [pubmed]
Keyword List
submitter keyword: Human,CH12F3,label-free,Mouse,HEK293Ts,ChIP-MS,B16,mESCs
Contact List
contact affiliationSchool of life science, Peking University,Beijing
contact emailxiongji@pku.edu.cn
lab head
contact affiliationPEKING University
contact emailwyandpwl@163.com
dataset submitter
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