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PXD027599 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
Title“Identifying the SLC25A46 interactome in transgenic mice: cerebellum”
DescriptionSLC25A46 is an outer mitochondrial protein, member of the mitochondrial carrier family (SLC25), whereas mutations result in mitochondrial structure abnormalities leading to a wide spectrum of neurological disorders. SLC25A46 is known to interact with members of the MICOS (Mitochondrial Contact Site) complex involved in mitochondrial cristae organization, and components of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In the present work, our aim was to identify the interactome of SLC25A46 in cerebrum, cerebellum, heart and thymus from TgSLC25A46-FLAG transgenic mice through immunoprecipitation with anti-FLAG beads and proteomic analysis with LC-MS/MS.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterMartina Samiotaki
SpeciesList scientific name: Mus musculus (Mouse); NCBI TaxID: 10090;
ModificationListacetylated residue; monohydroxylated residue; iodoacetamide derivatized residue; deamidated residue
InstrumentQ Exactive HF-X
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02021-07-27 07:28:01ID requested
12022-05-31 07:00:26announced
22023-11-14 08:53:08announced2023-11-14: Updated project metadata.
Publication List
Keyword List
submitter keyword: SLC25A46, mouse, cerebellum, mitochondria, LC-MS/MS
Contact List
Eleni Douni
contact affiliation1. Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming" Athens, Greece. 2. Department of Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
contact emaildouni@aua.gr
lab head
Martina Samiotaki
contact affiliationProtein Analysis Laboratory B.S.R.C. "Alexander Fleming", Alexander Fleming Street 34 16672, Vari, Greece
contact emailsamiotaki@fleming.gr
dataset submitter
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