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PXD026920 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleGlycopeptidomics Analysis of a Cell Line Model Revealing Pathogenesis and Potential Marker Molecules for the Early Diagnosis of Gastric MALT Lymphoma
DescriptionThe relationship between the predominant glycoforms of host cells and the development of host disease was determined
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterQinghua Zou
SpeciesList scientific name: Homo sapiens x Mus musculus hybrid cell line; NCBI TaxID: 1131344;
ModificationListNo PTMs are included in the dataset
InstrumentQ Exactive Plus
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02021-06-24 22:02:50ID requested
12021-12-30 19:08:46announced
22023-08-24 21:14:10announced2023-08-25: Update publication information.
Publication List
Dataset with its publication pending
Keyword List
submitter keyword: Gastric MALT lymphoma, Helicobacter pylori, Cell line model, Glycopeptidomics
Contact List
Di Xiao
contact affiliationChinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
contact emailxiaodi@icdc.cn
lab head
Qinghua Zou
contact affiliationPeking university health science center
contact emailzouqinghua@bjmu.edu.cn
dataset submitter
Full Dataset Link List
iProX dataset URI