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PXD018160 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitlePlasma Protein Corona on Polystyrene Nanoparticles Facilitates their Transfer across the Human Placenta
DescriptionNanoparticles exposed to biological fluids are rapidly surrounded by proteins. It is known that this formed protein corona influences the interplay of nanoparticles with cells or tissue barriers. In this study, we report the impact of a formed human plasma protein corona on the transfer of 80 nm polystyrene (PS) nanoparticles across the human placenta. We used the human ex-vivo placental perfusion model, as it reflects the intact and physiological tissue barrier between mother and unborn. Our results show an enhanced transfer of polystyrenes, exposed to human plasma, across the placenta compared to bovine serum albumin which served as control setting. We isolated nanoparticles before and after tissue exposure and analyzed their protein corona via shotgun proteomics and LC-MS/MS. The corona profile of particles that crossed the placenta highlighted several proteins as possible drivers for elevated tissue transfer. Subsequently two distinct proteins, human albumin and immunoglobulin G, were selected and incubated with the nanoparticles to form a sole protein corona. Strikingly, the protein corona formed by albumin induced significantly the transfer of polystyrenes across the tissue as compared to corona formed by immunoglobulins. To conclude, our study provides a comparative analysis between different formed protein coronas on nanoparticles and a corona dependent transfer behavior of polystyrenes across placental tissue. Our findings suggest that protein corona analyses of nanoparticles might help to understand better their properties at biological barriers.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterBarbara Darnhofer
SpeciesList scientific name: Homo sapiens (Human); NCBI TaxID: 9606;
ModificationListmonohydroxylated residue; iodoacetamide derivatized residue
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02020-03-23 16:52:47ID requested
12020-08-19 05:54:48announced
22020-09-15 23:14:53announced2020-09-16: Updated publication reference for PubMed record(s): 32907583.
Publication List
Dataset with its publication pending
Keyword List
submitter keyword: nanoparticle, polystyrene, biocorona, dual ex vivo placental perfusion, human placenta, plasma proteins, transfer
Contact List
Ruth Birner-Gruenberger
contact affiliationInstitute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology—TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; Institute of Pathology, Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria; Omics Center Graz, BioTechMed-Graz, Graz, Austria
contact emailruth.birner-gruenberger@tuwien.ac.at
lab head
Barbara Darnhofer
contact affiliationOmics Center Graz
contact emailbarbara.darnhofer@klinikum-graz.at
dataset submitter
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