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PXD015957 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleImmunoproteasome expression is associated with better prognosis and response to checkpoint therapies in melanoma
DescriptionPredicting the outcome of immunotherapy treatment in melanoma patients is challenging. Alterations in genes involved in antigen presentation and the interferon gamma (IFN) pathway play an important role in the immune response to tumors. We describe here that the overexpression of PSMB8 and PSMB9, two components of the immunoproteasome, is predictive of better survival and improved response to immune-checkpoint inhibitors of melanoma patients. We study the mechanism that underlies this connection by analyzing the antigenic peptide repertoire of cells that overexpress these subunits using HLA peptidomics. We find a higher response of patient-matched tumor infiltrating lymphocytes against antigens deferentially presented after immunoproteasome overexpression. which may explain the higher immune infiltration observed in patients with high immunoproteasome expression levels. Importantly, we find that PSMB8 and PSMB9 expression levels are much stronger predictors of melanoma patients immune response to checkpoint inhibitors than the tumors mutational burden. Taken together, these results suggest that their expression levels can serve as important biomarkers for stratifying melanoma patients for immune-checkpoint treatment.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterShelly Kalaora
SpeciesList scientific name: Homo sapiens (Human); NCBI TaxID: 9606;
ModificationListNo PTMs are included in the dataset
InstrumentQ Exactive
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02019-10-22 03:04:33ID requested
12020-02-21 01:15:10announced
22024-10-22 03:59:10announced2024-10-22: Updated project metadata.
Publication List
Kalaora S, Lee JS, Barnea E, Levy R, Greenberg P, Alon M, Yagel G, Bar Eli G, Oren R, Peri A, Patkar S, Bitton L, Rosenberg SA, Lotem M, Levin Y, Admon A, Ruppin E, Samuels Y, Immunoproteasome expression is associated with better prognosis and response to checkpoint therapies in melanoma. Nat Commun, 11(1):896(2020) [pubmed]
Keyword List
submitter keyword: immunoproteasome, neoantigens, melanoma, tumor associated antigens,HLA peptidomics
Contact List
Yardena Samuels
contact affiliationMolecular cell biology department Weizmann Institute of Science
contact emailyardena.samuels@weizmann.ac.il
lab head
Shelly Kalaora
contact affiliationWeizmann institute of science
contact emailshelly.kalaora@weizmann.ac.il
dataset submitter
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