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PXD001212 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleA mammalian transcription factor-specific peptide repository for targeted proteomics
DescriptionSite-specific transcription factors (TFs) play an essential role in mammalian development and function as they are vital for the majority of cellular processes. Despite their biological importance, TF proteomic data is scarce in the literature, likely due to difficulties in detecting peptides as the abundance of TFs in cells tends to be low. In recent years, significant improvements in mass spectrometry (MS)-based technologies in terms of sensitivity and specificity have increased the interest in developing quantitative methodologies specifically targeting relatively lowly abundant proteins such as TFs in mammalian models. Such efforts would be greatly aided by the availability of TF peptide-specific information as such data would not only enable improvements in speed and accuracy of protein identifications, but also ameliorate cross-comparisons of quantitative proteomics data and allow for a more efficient development of targeted proteomics assays. However, to date, no comprehensive TF proteotypic peptide database has been developed. To address this evident lack of TF peptide data in public repositories, we are generating a comprehensive, experimentally derived TF proteotypic peptide spectral library dataset based on in vitro protein expression. Our library currently contains peptide information for 89 TFs, and this number is set to increase in the near future.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportSupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterRomain Hamelin
SpeciesList scientific name: Mus musculus (Mouse); NCBI TaxID: 10090;
ModificationListOxidation; Dehydrated; Ammonia-loss; Acetyl; Carbamidomethyl
InstrumentLTQ Orbitrap
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02014-08-08 02:49:50ID requested
12015-01-23 02:03:16announced
Publication List
Simicevic J, Moniatte M, Hamelin R, Ahrn, é E, Deplancke B, A mammalian transcription factor-specific peptide repository for targeted proteomics. Proteomics, 15(4):752-6(2015) [pubmed]
Keyword List
curator keyword: Biological, Highlighted
submitter keyword: transcription factor , repository for targeted proteomics, quantitative proteomics, Proteotypic peptide selection
Contact List
Marc Moniatte
contact affiliationEPFL Proteomics Core Facility
contact emailmarc.moniatte@epfl.ch
lab head
Romain Hamelin
contact affiliationPCF
contact emailromain.hamelin@epfl.ch
dataset submitter
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