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PXD040326 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitlePyruvate-supported flux through medium chain ketothiolase promotes mitochondrial lipid tolerance in cardiac and skeletal muscles
DescriptionEven-chain acylcarnitine (AC) metabolites, most of which are generated as byproducts of incomplete fatty acid oxidation (FAO), are viewed as biomarkers of mitochondrial lipid stress attributable to one or more metabolic bottlenecks in the beta-oxidation pathway. The origins and functional implications of FAO bottlenecks remain poorly understood. Here, we combined a sophisticated mitochondrial phenotyping platform with state-of-the-art molecular profiling tools and multiple two-state mouse models of respiratory function to uncover a mechanism that connects AC accumulation to lipid intolerance, metabolic inflexibility, and respiratory inefficiency in skeletal muscle mitochondria. These studies also identified a short chain carbon circuit at the C4 node of FAO wherein reverse flux of glucose-derived acetyl-CoA through medium chain ketothiolase enhances lipid tolerance and redox stability in heart mitochondria by regenerating free CoA and NAD+. The findings help to explain why diminished FAO capacity, AC accumulation, and metabolic inflexibility are tightly linked to poor health outcomes.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterPaul Grimsrud
SpeciesList scientific name: Mus musculus (Mouse); NCBI TaxID: 10090;
ModificationListS-carboxamidomethyl-L-cysteine; L-methionine sulfoxide
InstrumentQ Exactive
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02023-02-22 06:39:28ID requested
12023-04-14 07:54:19announced
22024-05-09 11:34:21announced2024-05-10: Updated PubMed.
Publication List
Koves TR, Zhang GF, Davidson MT, Chaves AB, Crown SB, Johnson JM, Slentz DH, Grimsrud PA, Muoio DM, Pyruvate-supported flux through medium-chain ketothiolase promotes mitochondrial lipid tolerance in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Cell Metab, 35(6):1038-1056.e8(2023) [pubmed]
Keyword List
submitter keyword: mitochondria, label-free proteomics, heart, skeletal muscle, fatty acid oxidation
Contact List
Deborah M. Muoio
lab head
Paul Grimsrud
contact affiliationDuke University
dataset submitter
Full Dataset Link List
jPOST dataset URI
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