Element <ProteomeXchangeDataset>

Definition: Top-level element for a ProteomeXchange XML document describing a dataset.
Type: ProteomeXchangeDatasetType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
formatVersionversionRegexrequiredVersion number of this ProteomeXchange XML format.
idxs:stringrequiredUnique identifier for this ProteomeXchange XML document.
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
CvList11The list of controlled vocabularies used in the file.
ChangeLog01The change log message to record what changes and updates were made to this dataset for a revised announcement.
DatasetSummary11Broad description of the dataset being announced, inlcuding a title, abstract, review level, etc.
DatasetIdentifierList11The list of identifiers associated with this dataset, not just the PXD identifier, but possibly DOIs and other identifiers.
DatasetOriginList11The list of the origins of this dataset. This list can link to other ProteomeXchange datasets or other resources. If this dataset contains previously unreported data, then a 'new dataset' annotation should be used.
SpeciesList11The list of species from which the data has been generated.
InstrumentList11The list of instruments on which the data generation was performed.
ModificationList11The list of amino acid mass modifications caused or considered, defined as cvParams.
ContactList11The list of contacts related to the ProteomeXchange dataset.
PublicationList11The list of publications from which the dataset was collected or wherein it is published
KeywordList11Keywords defined by controlled vocabulary or free text categorised by a controlled vocabolary term (e.g. 'journal article keyword', 'submitter keyword' or 'curator keyword').
FullDatasetLinkList11The list of links to the complete ProteomeXchange dataset.
DatasetFileList01The list of ALL files comprising this ProteomeXchange submission.
RepositoryRecordList01The list of records as found in the repository the data was submitted to (for example PRIDE experiment records).
AdditionalInformation01A place for all additional information that may be added to the broadcast message and that could not be fit into another location. Here should also go references to other ProteomeXchange submissions.
Example Context:
<ProteomeXchangeDataset id="PXD002167" formatVersion="1.3.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="proteomeXchange-1.3.0.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <Cv fullName="PSI-MS" uri="http://psidev.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/psidev/psi/psi-ms/mzML/controlledVocabulary/psi-ms.obo" id="MS"/>
        <Cv fullName="PRIDE" uri="http://code.google.com/p/ebi-pride/source/browse/trunk/pride-core/schema/pride_cv.obo" id="PRIDE"/>
        <Cv fullName="PSI-MOD" uri="http://psidev.cvs.sourceforge.net/psidev/psi/mod/data/PSI-MOD.obo" id="MOD"/>
        <Cv fullName="UNIMOD" uri="http://www.unimod.org/obo/unimod.obo" id="UNIMOD"/>

Element <AdditionalInformation>

Definition: A place for all additional information that may be added to the broadcast message and that could not be fit into another location. Here should also go references to other ProteomeXchange submissions.
Type: AdditionalInformationType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam0unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
userParam0unboundedA single user-defined parameter.
Example Context:

cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.

Element <AnnotationList>

Definition: Any additional annotation of the record/experiment that the submitter/generator of the message deems important enough to announce.
Type: AdditionalInformationType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam0unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
userParam0unboundedA single user-defined parameter.
Example Context:

cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.

Element <ChangeLog>

Definition: The change log message to record what changes and updates were made to this dataset for a revised announcement.
Type: ChangeLogType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
ChangeLogEntry1unboundedA single change log entry giving providing the date on the change, a new version number of the dataset and a description of the change/update.
Example Context:
    <ChangeLogEntry date="2016-06-08">Updated publication reference for PubMed record(s): 27251877.</ChangeLogEntry>

Element <ChangeLogEntry>

Definition: A single change log entry giving providing the date on the change, a new version number of the dataset and a description of the change/update.
Type: ChangeLogEntryType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
datexs:dateoptionalThe date of this entry. This is largely handled by the central ProteomeXchange service anyway, and is largly ignored.
versionxs:stringoptionalThe version number of this document. The first change would be version 2 here. This is largely handled by the central ProteomeXchange service anyway, and is largly ignored.
Subelements: none
Example Context:
<ChangeLogEntry date="2016-06-08">Updated publication reference for PubMed record(s): 27251877.</ChangeLogEntry>

Element <Contact>

Definition: Contact person related to the ProteomeXchange dataset.
Type: ContactType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
idxs:IDrequiredIdentifier for the contact to be used for referencing within a document.
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
<Contact id="project_lab_head">
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1002332" name="lab head"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000586" name="contact name" value="Peter Barr-Gillespie"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000589" name="contact email" value="gillespp@ohsu.edu"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000590" name="contact affiliation" value="Oregon Hearing Research Center Oregon Health & Science University Portland  OR  97239  USA"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules:
Path /ProteomeXchangeDataset/ContactList/Contact
MAY supply a *child* term of MS:1000585 (contact attribute) one or more times
  e.g.: MS:1000586 (contact name) 
  e.g.: MS:1000587 (contact address) 
  e.g.: MS:1000588 (contact URL) 
  e.g.: MS:1000589 (contact email) 
  e.g.: MS:1000590 (contact affiliation) 
  e.g.: MS:1001267 (software vendor) 
  e.g.: MS:1001268 (programmer) 
  e.g.: MS:1001269 (instrument vendor) 
  e.g.: MS:1001270 (lab personnel) 
  e.g.: MS:1001271 (researcher) 
  et al.
MUST supply term MS:1000590 (contact affiliation) only once
MUST supply term MS:1000586 (contact name) only once
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000586" name="contact name" value="Xu Jiang"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000589" name="contact email" value="mango0414@163.com"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000590" name="contact affiliation" value="PHD candidate"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1002037" name="dataset submitter"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1002332" name="lab head"/>

Element <ContactList>

Definition: The list of contacts related to the ProteomeXchange dataset.
Type: ContactListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Contact1unboundedContact person related to the ProteomeXchange dataset.
Example Context:
    <Contact id="project_submitter">
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000586" name="contact name" value="Peter Barr-Gillespie"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000589" name="contact email" value="gillespp@ohsu.edu"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000590" name="contact affiliation" value="Oregon Hearing Research Center"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1002037" name="dataset submitter"/>

Element <Cv>

Definition: A source controlled vocabulary (CV) from which cvParams will be obtained.
Type: CvType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
fullNamexs:stringrequiredThe full name of the CV.
idxs:IDrequiredThe unique identifier of this CV within the document to be referenced by cvParam elements.
urixs:anyURIrequiredThe URI of the source CV.
versionxs:stringoptionalThe version of the CV.
Subelements: none
Example Context:
<Cv fullName="PSI-MS" uri="http://psidev.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/psidev/psi/psi-ms/mzML/controlledVocabulary/psi-ms.obo" id="MS"/>

Element <CvList>

Definition: The list of controlled vocabularies used in the file.
Type: CvListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Cv1unboundedA source controlled vocabulary (CV) from which cvParams will be obtained.
Example Context:
    <Cv fullName="PSI-MS" uri="http://psidev.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/psidev/psi/psi-ms/mzML/controlledVocabulary/psi-ms.obo" id="MS"/>
    <Cv fullName="PRIDE" uri="http://code.google.com/p/ebi-pride/source/browse/trunk/pride-core/schema/pride_cv.obo" id="PRIDE"/>
    <Cv fullName="PSI-MOD" uri="http://psidev.cvs.sourceforge.net/psidev/psi/mod/data/PSI-MOD.obo" id="MOD"/>
    <Cv fullName="UNIMOD" uri="http://www.unimod.org/obo/unimod.obo" id="UNIMOD"/>

Element <cvParam>

Definition: A single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Type: CvParamType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
accessionxs:stringrequiredThe accession or ID number of this CV term in the source CV.
cvRefxs:IDREFrequiredA reference to the cv element from which this term originates.
namexs:stringrequiredThe name of the parameter.
unitAccessionxs:stringoptionalAn accession number identifying the unit within the OBO foundry Unit CV.
unitCvRefxs:stringoptionalIf a unit term is referenced, this attribute MUST refer to the CV 'id' attribute defined in the cvList in this file.
unitNamexs:stringoptionalThe name of the unit.
valuexs:stringoptionalThe user-entered value of the parameter.
Subelements: none
Example Context:
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000400" name="Reference" value="Krey JF, Drummond M, Foster S, Porsov E, Vijayakumar S, Choi D, Friderici K, Jones SM, Nuttall AL, Barr-Gillespie PG. Annexin A5 is the Most Abundant Membrane-Associated Protein in Stereocilia but is Dispensable for Hair-Bundle Development and Function. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 2;6:27221"/>

Element <DatasetFile>

Definition: Description of the source file, including location and type.
Type: DatasetFileType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
idxs:IDrequiredIdentifier for the sourceFile to be used for referencing within a document.
namexs:stringrequiredName of the source file, without reference to location (either URI or local path).
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
<DatasetFile id="FILE_4" name="OTHER_MIAPE_PXD002167.zip">
    <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000410" name="'Other' type file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2015/08/PXD002167/OTHER_MIAPE_PXD002167.zip"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules:
Path /ProteomeXchangeDataset/DatasetFileList/DatasetFile
MUST supply a *child* term of PRIDE:0000403 (Associated file URI) one or more times
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000404 (Associated raw file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000407 (Result file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000408 (Search engine output file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000409 (Peak list file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000410 ('Other' type file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000448 (Additional associated raw file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
  e.g.: PRIDE:0000449 (Gel image file URI) WARNING: Term has no definition!
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000408" name="Search engine output file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111/MS150057-1.prot.xml"/>
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000404" name="Associated raw file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111/MS150057-KD1.raw"/>
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000410" name="'Other' type file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2015/08/PXD002167/OTHER_EXCEL_FINAL.zip"/>
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000403" name="Associated file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2015/08/PXD002167/OTHER_FASTA.zip"/>

Element <DatasetFileList>

Definition: The list of ALL files comprising this ProteomeXchange submission.
Type: DatasetFileListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
DatasetFile1unboundedDescription of the source file, including location and type.
Example Context:
    <DatasetFile id="FILE_16" name="MS150057-1.prot.xml">
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000408" name="Search engine output file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111/MS150057-1.prot.xml"/>
    <DatasetFile id="FILE_17" name="MS150057-KD1.raw">
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000404" name="Associated raw file URI" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111/MS150057-KD1.raw"/>

Element <DatasetIdentifier>

Definition: An identifier associated with this dataset, defined by CV term.
Type: DatasetIdentifierType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001919" name="ProteomeXchange accession number" value="PXD003111"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001919" name="ProteomeXchange accession number" value="PXD003111"/>

Element <DatasetIdentifierList>

Definition: The list of identifiers associated with this dataset, not just the PXD identifier, but possibly DOIs and other identifiers.
Type: DatasetIdentifierListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
DatasetIdentifier1unboundedAn identifier associated with this dataset, defined by CV term.
Example Context:
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001919" name="ProteomeXchange accession number" value="PXD003111"/>

Element <DatasetOrigin>

Definition: Specifies via CV term whether this is an original dataset or is a re-interpretation of a previous ProteomeXchange dataset.
Type: DatasetOriginType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000402" name="Original data"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000402" name="Original data"/>

Element <DatasetOriginList>

Definition: The list of the origins of this dataset. This list can link to other ProteomeXchange datasets or other resources. If this dataset contains previously unreported data, then a 'new dataset' annotation should be used.
Type: DatasetOriginListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
DatasetOrigin11Specifies via CV term whether this is an original dataset or is a re-interpretation of a previous ProteomeXchange dataset.
Example Context:
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000402" name="Original data"/>

Element <DatasetSummary>

Definition: Broad description of the dataset being announced, inlcuding a title, abstract, review level, etc.
Type: DatasetSummaryType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
announceDatexs:daterequiredThe date that this announcement was prepared.
hostingRepositoryHostingRepositoryTyperequiredThe hosting repository that handled this dataset and that prepared this ProteomeXchange message.
titlexs:stringrequiredA descriptive title for the dataset.
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Description11A brief description of the dataset, usually about one paragraph long.
ReviewLevel11Level of review on this dataset/associated paper.
RepositorySupport11To what extend the data is supported in the hosting repository.
Example Context:
<DatasetSummary announceDate="2016-06-13" hostingRepository="PRIDE" title="Silencing of eIF5B Changes Proteostasis by Providing Negative Feedback on MAPK Signaling">
    <Description>Protein translational machinery is an important component of proteostasis network (PN) that maintains cellular proteostasis and regulates aging and other cellular processes. Ample evidence indicates that inhibition of translation initiation factor activities enhances stress resistance and extends life span in model organisms. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B (eIF5B) is responsible for joining of pre-40S subunits with 60S ribosomal subunits to give a 80S-like complex in protein translational initiation and its silencing may disrupt proteostasis and trigger cellular processes associated with stress responses. In the present work, eIF5B was genetically manipulated in 293T cells. The physiological aspects of eIF5B-knockdown cells (eIF5B-KN) were characterized showing that they grew slower, had a lower level of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), an increased resistance to oxidative stress and an enhanced autophagy. Proteomic analysis showed that silencing of eIF5B resulted in up-regulation of 88 proteins and down-regulation of 130 proteins in eIF5B-KN compared to control cells, which involved in diverse cellular processes including metabolism, RNA processing, and protein metabolism, and DNA synthesis. The autonomous downregulation of the MAPK singnaling pathway was identified that led to the prolonged S-phase cell-cycle arrest and contributed to the slow growth of eIF5B-KN cells. Glutamine transporters were found to be downregulated which enhanced formation of autophagy. Furthermore, eIF5B knockdown compromised the integrity of 28S rRNA and 8.5.8S rRNA that can be rescued via restoring the eIF5B expression level. Taken together, these results demonstrated that eIF5B silencing providesd a negative feedback to down regulate the MAPK signaling pathway which reconstitutesd the proteostasis, resulting in a decrease in cell growth and an enhanced resistance to oxidative stress. Our data provide a useful resource to further biological exploration into functions of protein synthesis in regulation of proteostasis and aging and suggest that eIF5B plays a role in aging process.</Description>
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000414" name="Peer-reviewed dataset"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000417" name="Unsupported dataset by repository"/>

Element <Description>

Definition: A brief description of the dataset, usually about one paragraph long.
Type: xs:string
Attributes: none
Subelements: none
Example Context:
<Description>Protein translational machinery is an important component of proteostasis network (PN) that maintains cellular proteostasis and regulates aging and other cellular processes. Ample evidence indicates that inhibition of translation initiation factor activities enhances stress resistance and extends life span in model organisms. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B (eIF5B) is responsible for joining of pre-40S subunits with 60S ribosomal subunits to give a 80S-like complex in protein translational initiation and its silencing may disrupt proteostasis and trigger cellular processes associated with stress responses. In the present work, eIF5B was genetically manipulated in 293T cells. The physiological aspects of eIF5B-knockdown cells (eIF5B-KN) were characterized showing that they grew slower, had a lower level of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), an increased resistance to oxidative stress and an enhanced autophagy. Proteomic analysis showed that silencing of eIF5B resulted in up-regulation of 88 proteins and down-regulation of 130 proteins in eIF5B-KN compared to control cells, which involved in diverse cellular processes including metabolism, RNA processing, and protein metabolism, and DNA synthesis. The autonomous downregulation of the MAPK singnaling pathway was identified that led to the prolonged S-phase cell-cycle arrest and contributed to the slow growth of eIF5B-KN cells. Glutamine transporters were found to be downregulated which enhanced formation of autophagy. Furthermore, eIF5B knockdown compromised the integrity of 28S rRNA and 8.5.8S rRNA that can be rescued via restoring the eIF5B expression level. Taken together, these results demonstrated that eIF5B silencing providesd a negative feedback to down regulate the MAPK signaling pathway which reconstitutesd the proteostasis, resulting in a decrease in cell growth and an enhanced resistance to oxidative stress. Our data provide a useful resource to further biological exploration into functions of protein synthesis in regulation of proteostasis and aging and suggest that eIF5B plays a role in aging process.</Description>

Element <FullDatasetLink>

Definition: A single link to the full dataset.
Type: FullDatasetLinkType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam11A single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000411" name="Dataset FTP location" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000411" name="Dataset FTP location" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001930" name="PRIDE project URI" value="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD003111"/>

Element <FullDatasetLinkList>

Definition: The list of links to the complete ProteomeXchange dataset.
Type: FullDatasetLinkListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
FullDatasetLink1unboundedA single link to the full dataset.
Example Context:
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000411" name="Dataset FTP location" value="ftp://ftp.pride.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2016/06/PXD003111"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001930" name="PRIDE project URI" value="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD003111"/>

Element <Instrument>

Definition: Instrument on which the data has been generated.
Type: InstrumentType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
idxs:IDrequiredIdentifier for the instrument to be used for referencing within a document
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
<Instrument id="Instrument_1">
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001910" name="LTQ Orbitrap Elite"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules:
Path /ProteomeXchangeDataset/InstrumentList/Instrument
MAY supply a *child* term of MS:1000496 (instrument attribute) one or more times
  e.g.: MS:1000032 (customization) 
  e.g.: MS:1000236 (transmission) 
  e.g.: MS:1000529 (instrument serial number) 
MUST supply term MS:1000031 (instrument model) or any of its children one or more times
  e.g.: MS:1000139 (4000 QTRAP) 
  e.g.: MS:1000140 (4700 Proteomics Analyzer) 
  e.g.: MS:1000141 (apex IV) 
  e.g.: MS:1000142 (apex Q) 
  e.g.: MS:1000143 (API 150EX) 
  e.g.: MS:1000144 (API 150EX Prep) 
  e.g.: MS:1000145 (API 2000) 
  e.g.: MS:1000146 (API 3000) 
  e.g.: MS:1000147 (API 4000) 
  e.g.: MS:1000148 (autoflex II) 
  et al.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001911" name="Q Exactive"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001910" name="LTQ Orbitrap Elite"/>

Element <InstrumentList>

Definition: The list of instruments on which the data generation was performed.
Type: InstrumentListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Instrument1unboundedInstrument on which the data has been generated.
Example Context:
    <Instrument id="Instrument_1">
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001910" name="LTQ Orbitrap Elite"/>

Element <InstrumentRef>

Definition: Container for a reference to the id of an Instrument within this submission
Type: RefType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
refxs:IDREFrequiredA reference to an element with and id in this document.
Subelements: none
Example Context:

Element <KeywordList>

Definition: Keywords defined by controlled vocabulary or free text categorised by a controlled vocabolary term (e.g. 'journal article keyword', 'submitter keyword' or 'curator keyword').
Type: KeywordListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001925" name="submitter keyword" value="Hair cells, hair bundles, stereocilia, kinocilia, auditory, vestibular"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001926" name="curator keyword" value="Biological"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001925" name="submitter keyword" value="protein synthesis; proteomics; proteostasis; eIF5B; ribosome."/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001926" name="curator keyword" value="Biomedical"/>

Element <ModificationList>

Definition: The list of amino acid mass modifications caused or considered, defined as cvParams.
Type: ModificationListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="MOD" accession="MOD:01720" name="TMT6plex-126 reporter+balance reagent acylated residue"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MOD" accession="MOD:00425" name="monohydroxylated residue"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MOD" accession="MOD:00397" name="iodoacetamide derivatized residue"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MOD" accession="MOD:01720" name="TMT6plex-126 reporter+balance reagent acylated residue"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MOD" accession="MOD:00425" name="monohydroxylated residue"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MOD" accession="MOD:00397" name="iodoacetamide derivatized residue"/>

Element <Publication>

Definition: Reference to a publication in which the dataset is published.
Type: PublicationType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
idxs:IDrequiredIdentifier for the publication to be used for referencing within a document
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
<Publication id="PMID27251877">
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000879" name="PubMed identifier" value="27251877"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000400" name="Reference" value="Krey JF, Drummond M, Foster S, Porsov E, Vijayakumar S, Choi D, Friderici K, Jones SM, Nuttall AL, Barr-Gillespie PG. Annexin A5 is the Most Abundant Membrane-Associated Protein in Stereocilia but is Dispensable for Hair-Bundle Development and Function. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 2;6:27221"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000879" name="PubMed identifier" value="27274532"/>
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000400" name="Reference" value="Boggs I, Hine B, Smolenksi G, Hettinga K, Zhang L, Wheeler TT. Proteomics data in support of the quantification of the changes of bovine milk proteins during mammary gland involution. Data Brief. 2016 May 13;8:52-5. eCollection 2016 Sep"/>

Element <PublicationList>

Definition: The list of publications from which the dataset was collected or wherein it is published
Type: PublicationListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Publication1unboundedReference to a publication in which the dataset is published.
Example Context:
    <Publication id="PMID27251877">
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000879" name="PubMed identifier" value="27251877"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000400" name="Reference" value="Krey JF, Drummond M, Foster S, Porsov E, Vijayakumar S, Choi D, Friderici K, Jones SM, Nuttall AL, Barr-Gillespie PG. Annexin A5 is the Most Abundant Membrane-Associated Protein in Stereocilia but is Dispensable for Hair-Bundle Development and Function. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 2;6:27221"/>

Element <PublicationRef>

Definition: to reference the 'id' of a 'Publication' within this submission
Type: RefType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
refxs:IDREFrequiredA reference to an element with and id in this document.
Subelements: none
Example Context:

Element <RepositoryRecord>

Definition: A record in the repository the data was submitted to corresponding to this dataset (for an example PRIDE experiment record).
Type: RepositoryRecordType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
labelxs:stringoptionalShort label for the type of repository record.
namexs:stringrequiredShort name for the repository record, usually like a sample name.
recordIDxs:stringrequiredA unique identifier for the record within the repository.
repositoryIDHostingRepositoryTyperequiredIdentifier that uniquely defines the hosting repository which holds the data records.
urixs:anyURIrequiredURI that links to the repository record.
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
SourceFileRef0unboundedto reference the 'id' of a 'DatasetFile' within this submission
PublicationRef0unboundedto reference the 'id' of a 'Publication' within this submission
InstrumentRef0unboundedContainer for a reference to the id of an Instrument within this submission
SampleList01The list of samples that are analyzed in this dataset.
ModificationList01The list of amino acid mass modifications caused or considered, defined as cvParams.
AnnotationList01Any additional annotation of the record/experiment that the submitter/generator of the message deems important enough to announce.
Example Context:
<RepositoryRecord name="Silencing of eIF5B Changes Proteostasis by Providing Negative Feedback on MAPK Signaling" label="PRIDE project" recordID="PXD003111" repositoryID="PRIDE" uri="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD003111"/>

Element <RepositoryRecordList>

Definition: The list of records as found in the repository the data was submitted to (for example PRIDE experiment records).
Type: RepositoryRecordListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
RepositoryRecord1unboundedA record in the repository the data was submitted to corresponding to this dataset (for an example PRIDE experiment record).
Example Context:
    <RepositoryRecord name="Silencing of eIF5B Changes Proteostasis by Providing Negative Feedback on MAPK Signaling" label="PRIDE project" recordID="PXD003111" repositoryID="PRIDE" uri="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD003111"/>

Element <RepositorySupport>

Definition: To what extend the data is supported in the hosting repository.
Type: RepositorySupportType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam11A single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000417" name="Unsupported dataset by repository"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000417" name="Unsupported dataset by repository"/>

Element <ReviewLevel>

Definition: Level of review on this dataset/associated paper.
Type: ReviewLevelType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam11A single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000414" name="Peer-reviewed dataset"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="PRIDE" accession="PRIDE:0000414" name="Peer-reviewed dataset"/>

Element <Sample>

Definition: A summary of the sample describtion. This should be a (sub) selection of cvParams used to describe the sample. Minimally this should contain information like species, tissue, etc..., but could also contain sample preparation information.
Type: SampleType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
namexs:stringrequiredShort name for the sample analyzed in this dataset.
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:

cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.

Element <SampleList>

Definition: The list of samples that are analyzed in this dataset.
Type: SampleListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Sample1unboundedA summary of the sample describtion. This should be a (sub) selection of cvParams used to describe the sample. Minimally this should contain information like species, tissue, etc..., but could also contain sample preparation information.
Example Context:

Element <SourceFileRef>

Definition: to reference the 'id' of a 'DatasetFile' within this submission
Type: RefType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
refxs:IDREFrequiredA reference to an element with and id in this document.
Subelements: none
Example Context:

Element <Species>

Definition: The species from which the data has been generated.
Type: SpeciesType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
cvParam1unboundedA single entry from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary.
Example Context:
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001469" name="taxonomy: scientific name" value="Mus musculus (Mouse)"/>
    <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001467" name="taxonomy: NCBI TaxID" value="10090"/>
cvParam Mapping Rules: WARNING: There are no cvParam mapping rules for this element even though cvParam is an allowed subelement.
Example cvParams:
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001469" name="taxonomy: scientific name" value="Homo sapiens (Human)"/>
<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001467" name="taxonomy: NCBI TaxID" value="9606"/>

Element <SpeciesList>

Definition: The list of species from which the data has been generated.
Type: SpeciesListType
Attributes: none
Subelement NameminOccursmaxOccursDefinition
Species1unboundedThe species from which the data has been generated.
Example Context:
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001469" name="taxonomy: scientific name" value="Mus musculus (Mouse)"/>
        <cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1001467" name="taxonomy: NCBI TaxID" value="10090"/>

Element <userParam>

Definition: A single user-defined parameter.
Type: UserParamType
Attribute NameData TypeUseDefinition
namexs:stringrequiredThe name of the parameter.
unitAccessionxs:stringoptionalAn accession number identifying the unit within the OBO foundry Unit CV.
unitCvRefxs:stringoptionalIf a unit term is referenced, this attribute MUST refer to the CV 'id' attribute defined in the cvList in this file.
unitNamexs:stringoptionalThe name of the unit.
valuexs:stringoptionalThe user-entered value of the parameter.
Subelements: none
Example Context: