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PXD058886 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleApplication of integrated omics in aseptic loosening of prostheses after hip replacement
DescriptionAseptic loosening (AL) of artificial hip joints is the most common complication following hip replacement surgery. In the present study, second-generation high-throughput sequencing and mass spectrometry techniques were used to detect differentially expressed genes, proteins and metabolites in samples. These were further analyzed using software such as Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Key gene, cytokine receptor-like factor-1 (CRLF1) and glutathione-S transferase μ-1 (GSTM1) expression levels were verified through reverse transcription-quantitative PCR and western blotting. The integrated transcriptomics, proteomics and untargeted metabolomics analyses revealed characteristic metabolite changes (biosynthesis of guanine, L-glycine and adenosine) and protein changes (CRLF1, GSTM1) in AL, which are primarily associated with amino acid metabolism and lipid metabolism. In summary, the current study may uncover the underlying mechanisms of AL pathology and provide stable and accurate biomarkers for early warning and diagnosis of the disease.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterZhuang Sun
SpeciesList scientific name: Homo sapiens; NCBI TaxID: 9606;
ModificationListNo PTMs are included in the dataset
InstrumentQ Exactive HF-X
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02024-12-15 22:28:16ID requested
12024-12-15 22:34:13announced
Publication List
Dataset with its publication pending
Keyword List
submitter keyword: initial artificial hip joint, aseptic loosening, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics
Contact List
Jia Zheng
contact affiliationDepartment of Orthopedics, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital
contact emailzhengjia90180@sina.com
lab head
Zhuang Sun
contact affiliationPeople’s Hospital of Zhengzhou University
contact emailsunzhuang1@foxmail.com
dataset submitter
Full Dataset Link List
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