Traditional protein engineering methods, such as directed evolution, while effective, are often slow and labor-intensive. Advances in machine learning and automated biofoundry present new opportunities for optimizing these processes. This study devises a protein language model-enabled automatic evolution platform, a closed-loop system for automated protein engineering within the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle. The protein language model ESM-2 makes zero-shot prediction of 96 variants to initiate the cycle. The biofoundry constructs and evaluates these variants, and feeds the results back to a multi-layer perceptron to train a fitness predictor, which then makes prediction of second round of 96 variants with improved fitness. With the tRNA synthetase as a model enzyme, four-rounds of evolution carried out within 10 days lead to mutants with enzyme activity improved by up to 2.4-fold. Our system significantly enhances the speed and accuracy of protein evolution, driving faster advancements in protein engineering for industrial applications.