Ester-linked post-translational modifications, including serine and threonine ubiquitination, have gained recognition as important cellular signals. However, their detection remains a significant challenge due to the chemical lability of the ester bond. This is the case even for long-known modifications, such as ADP-ribosylation on aspartate and glutamate, whose role in PARP1 signaling has recently been questioned. We have developed easily implementable methods for preserving ester-linked modifications, which, when combined with a specific and sensitive modular antibody and mass spectrometry, has enabled us to uncover DNA damage-induced aspartate/glutamate mono-ADP-ribosylation. This previously elusive signal represents an initial wave of PARP1 signaling, contrasting with the more enduring nature of serine mono-ADP-ribosylation. Unexpectedly, we have discovered that the poly-ADP-ribose hydrolase PARG is capable of reversing ester-linked mono-ADP-ribosylation in cells. Our methodology enables broad investigations of various ADP-ribosylation writers and, as illustrated here for noncanonical ubiquitination, it paves the way for exploring other emerging ester-linked modifications.