Previous BioID experiments targeting the nucleoporin (NUP) NUP158 and the nuclear transport factor MEX67 indicated (PMID: 36410438; PXD031245) that proximity labelling delivers highly specific interactome data in the confined localisation of the nuclear pore, with a labelling radius well below the size of the nuclear pore. Here we extended this approach to target NUPs NUP110, NUP76 and NUP96 with a TurboID-HA tandem tag fused to both, the N and C-terminus of each respective target protein. While the central NUP96 biotinylated most nuclear pore proteins with the marked exception of the nuclear basket, NUP158, NUP110 and NUP76 caused biotinylation of specific sub-complexes of the pore and Mex67 labelled NUPs lining the pore channel.