Despite recent findings of cytosolic fMet-protein translation in eukaryotes, the underlying mechanism that limits cytosolic fMet-protein translation remains unknown. Here, we found that fMet-nascent peptide signals premature ribosome dissociation in S. cerevisiae, that we named N-terminal fMet-initiated ribosome quality control (fMet-RQC). pBpa-dependent photo-crosslinking of stalled fMet-nascent peptide co-purified with Nip1 and Arf1/2, suggesting their functional importance in fMet-RQC pathway. Defective fMet-RQC leads to co-translational fMet-protein aggregation hindering cellular stress adaptiveness. We also found that dynamics of fMet-RQC is critical in regulating cytosolic fMet-protein level during extreme environmental stresses, such as prolonged cold stress, for cellular survival.