Bidirectional signal transduction between tumor epithelial cells and tumor microenvironment (TME) is important for tumor development. Here we showed that Lin28b/let-7 pathway is indispensable for modulating the expression of Wnt5a in tumor epithelium, which could be secreted and then up-regulates Lin28b in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Moreover, we demonstrated that Lin28b in CAFs promoted growth of PDAC by inducing cytokine PCSK9’s production. Using an orthotopic mouse model of PDAC, we fouind that depletion of Lin28b in CAFs reduced tumor weight, highlighting the importance of Lin28b in PDAC stromal. Thus, our study shows that the Lin28b-Wnt5a axis plays a critical role in bidirectional crosstalk between pancreatic tumor epithelium and TME and results in a pro-‍tumorigenic contexture.