Completion of neuronal migration is critical for brain development. Kif21b is a plus-end directed kinesin motor protein that promotes intracellular transport and controls microtubule dynamics in neurons. Here we report a physiological function of Kif21b during radial migration of projection neurons in the mouse developing cortex. In vivo analysis in mouse and live imaging on cultured slices demonstrate that Kif21b regulates the radial glia-guided locomotion of new-born neurons independently of its motility on microtubules. Unexpectedly we show that Kif21b directly binds and regulates the actin cytoskeleton both in vitro and in vivo in migratory neurons. We establish that Kif21b-mediated regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics influences branching and nucleokinesis during neuronal locomotion. Altogether, our results reveal atypical roles of Kif21b on the actin cytoskeleton during migration of cortical projection neurons