Updated project metadata. Characteristic features of chromatin states are not limited to particular epigenetic modifications but include other regulatory cues, such as linker DNA length, typically ranging from between 35-55 bp (Valouev et al, 2011; Voong et al., 2016, Cell) to over 200 bp in nucleosome-depleted regions (NDRs) found at active enhancers and promoters (Schones et al, 2008; Hansen He et al, 2010). To investigate whether and how the nucleosome linker DNA affects chromatin recognition by nuclear proteins we performed a set of affinity purifications using di-nucleosomes incorporating different DNA linkers. This dataset contains experiments aimed to probe how the linker DNA length affects protein binding to di-nucleosomes decorated with H3K9me3 or H3K27me3. The following di-nucleosomes were used in affinity pull-down purifications with HeLa nuclear extract followed by label-free MS: 1. unmod. H3, 35 bp linker 2. unmod. H3, 40 bp linker 3. unmod. H3, 45 bp linker 4. unmod. H3, 50 bp linker 5. unmod. H3, 55 bp linker 6. H3K9me3, 35 bp linker 7. H3K9me3, 40 bp linker 8. H3K9me3, 45 bp linker 9. H3K9me3 50 bp linker 10. H3K9me3, 55 bp linker 11. H3K27me3, 35 bp linker 12. H3K27me3, 40 bp linker 13. H3K27me3, 45 bp linker 14. H3K27me3, 50 bp linker 15. H3K27me3, 55 bp linker