Updated project metadata. This study aimed to compare the proteomic profile of stimulated and unstimulated saliva sam-ples from pregnant women with/without obesity and periodontitis. Initially, 126 pregnant women were recruited and, after exclusions, were allocated into: with obesity and periodontitis (OP); with obesity but without periodontitis (OWP); with normal BMI but with periodontitis (NP); with normal BMI and without periodontitis (NWP). Stimulated saliva (SS) and unstimulated saliva (US) samples were collected, and salivary proteins were extracted and individually processed by proteomic analysis (nLC-ESI-MS/MS). Proteins involved with immune response process, antiox-idant activity, and retina homeostasis were decreased or absent in SS samples from all groups (i.e., Antileukoproteinase, Lysozyme C, Alpha-2-macroglobulin-like protein 1, Heat shock proteins – 70kDa 1-like, 1A, 1B, 6, Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2, Putative Heat shock 70 kDa protein 7, Heat shock cognate 71 kDa). Also, proteins related to carbohydrate metabolic process and gly-colytic and glucose metabolic process were absent in SS, mainly from OP and OWP (i.e., Fru-tose-bisphosphate aldose A, Glusoce-6-phosphate isomerase, Pyruvate kinase). Saliva stimulation decreased important proteins involved with immune response and inflammation process in all groups. Unstimulated salivary samples seem to be the best choice to proteomic approach in pregnant women.