Organelle-specific protein translocation systems are essential for the biogenesis of many organelles in eukaryotes but thought to be absent from prokaryotic organelles like magnetosomes. Here, using evolutionary analyses, we show that magnetosomal MamF-like proteins represent members of the widespread yet uncharacterized DUF4870 family that shares an ancient evolutionary origin with plastidal Tic20 preprotein translocases. Deletion of mamF-like genes in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense results in magnetosome misassembly and thereby impairs magnetite biomineralization, magnetosome chain formation, and magnetotaxis. While soluble in their absence, misassembled proteins like MamJ interact with MamF-like proteins via glycine-rich C-terminal transmembrane domains. Magnetosome membrane complexes of MamJ, however, are carbonate-resistant and largely dissociated from MamF-like proteins suggesting that MamF-like proteins mediate organelle-specific membrane protein insertion. The DUF4870 family was therefore renamed into MART family (membrane assembly by remote Tic20 homologs). Collectively, our data indicate a conserved role for the Tic20/MART superfamily in protein trafficking across all domains of life.