Updated project metadata. Follicles of polycystic ovaries (PCO) often become arrested in early antral stages at around 3 to 11 mm in diameter. The condition disturbs dominant follicle selection and may result in altered ovulation and anovulation. During the growth and development of human follicles, the follicular fluid (FF) constitutes the avascular microenvironment in which the oocyte develops and acts as a vehicle for hormone signaling between cues from circulation and follicular cells. Previous proteomics studies performed on FF from women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have revealed information on the protein changes associated with the pathophysiology of this disorder. However, these studies have been conducted on FF samples obtained in connection with oocyte pick-up during ovarian stimulation right at the time of ovulation and are limited to follicular conditions during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. This study aimed to detect proteomic alterations in FF from human small antral follicles (hSAF) obtained from women with PCO as compared to normal women.