Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide and the presence of various physiological barriers limits the accessibility to the brain and reduces the efficacy of various therapies. Moreover, improving the solubility, stability and release of the drug in specific brain regions and in particular target cells (neuron or microglia), are essential factor to develop an efficient and targeted therapy for the treatment of brain disorders. Extracellular vesicles, nanoparticles and artificial nanovesicles represent a promising tool for contrast brain diseases, thanks to their ability to deliver therapeutic molecules and overcoming the problems mentioned. In this study, for the first time, we generated artificial nanovesicles derived from brain tissue, which were preliminary evaluated as potential brain delivery system. The nanovesicles were produced from myelin extracted from the brain, called Myelin NanoVesicles (MyVes). MyVes produced have an average diameter of 100nm, negative zeta potential, spheroidal morphology, lipids and main proteins of the myelin sheath and exhibit good cytocompatibility. The MyVes, are able to load a drug/molecule and cross a blood brain barrier model, in addition, they targeted specific brain regions, white matter and are able to interact mainly with the microglia cell line. Therefore, we propose MyVes for white matter and microglia targeted delivery as a potential approach to counteract white matter microglia related diseases