Reversible acylation of lysine ε-amino groups, e.g., acetylation, succinylation, maronylation, and myristoylation, is involved in basic physiological processes such as metabolism, cell signaling and aging. In this study, we developed a novel enrichment method for acylated peptides without the use of antibodies, in which endogenously acylated peptides are deacylated by recombinant lysine deacylases based on the enzyme-substrate relationship and enriched by N-hydroxysuccinimidyl chemistry for identification of the acylated sites by nanoscale liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric analysis. To demonstrate the validity of this acylomics platform, we used it to identify acylated sites on chemically acylated model protein samples. We also applied it to the nuclei of HeLa cells to identify endogenous acylated sites.