In the last decade, the interest in extracellular vesicles (EVs) as safe and biocompatible nano-transporters has risen dramatically, as these nanoparticles can be used to increase the delivery efficiency rate and reduce secondary effects. However, the difficulty for its obtention in large quantities represents a major drawback for its utilization. Also, EVs are currently mainly derived from immortalized cell lines, which may arise safety problems when administered to humans. Hence, the shift from cell lines to safer EVs sources would suppose a step ahead for its use as delivery vectors in the biotechnology and biomedical research fields. Here, we provide proteomics characterization of EVs isolated by molecular weight cut-off filtration (MWCO) from four different fermented food industry by-products (FFIBPs), including: i) yogurt whey (named as milk in the raw data files), symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) from kombucha fermented tea (named as Com in the raw data files), wine pomace (named as Wine in the raw data files) and brewer spend yeast (named as beer in the raw data files).This proteomics characterization will provide key information about composition of by-product derived EVs (BP-EV) uncovering a safe and sustainable EVs source with potential as functional EVs delivery vectors.