Combination of butanol-hyperproducing and hypertolerant phenotypes is essential for developing microbial strains suitable for industrial production of bio-butanol, i.e. one of most promising liquid biofuels. Clostridium cellulovorans is among the microbial strains with the highest potential for direct production of n-butanol from lignocellulosic wastes, a process that would significantly reduce the cost of bio-butanol. However, butanol exhibits higher toxicity compared to ethanol and C. cellulovorans tolerance to this solvent is low. In the present investigation, comparative proteomics was used to study the response of C. cellulovorans to butanol challenge and understand the tolerance mechanisms activated in this condition. The most important response concerned modulation of protein biosynthesis, folding and degradation. Coherent with previous studies on other bacteria, several heat shock proteins (involved in protein quality control) were upregulated. Globally, our data indicates that protein biosynthesis is reduced, likely not to overload heat shock proteins. Several additional metabolic adaptations were triggered by butanol exposure such as the upregulation of V- and F-type ATPases (involved in ATP synthesis/generation of proton motive force), enzymes involved in amino acid biosynthesis, proteins involved in cell envelope re-arrangement and a redistribution of carbon flux through fermentative pathways. These analyses eventually suggested several potential gene targets for metabolic engineering strategies aimed at improving butanol tolerance in C. cellulovorans.