Protein arginine methylation, catalyzed by the protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT) family, is recognized as a widespread post-translational modification (PTM) with implications in a plethora of biological processes in eukaryotes. PRMT proteins were classified into three types, type I, II and III, according to the final methyl-arginine products generated. Despite that thousands of substrates have been identified for Type I and II PRMTs, a full scope of arginine methylation catalyzed by the only type III PRMT, PRMT7, as well as its connection with that of type I and II PRMTs remain unknown, limiting our understanding of the network of arginine methylation and its functions in cells. In this study, global profiling of PRMT4 (type I), PRMT5 (type II) and PRMT7 (type III) substrates (also referred as methylome) revealed that PRMT7 methylated a GAR (glycine and arginine) motif similar as PRMT5, while PRMT4 uniquely methylated a motif in which proline was highly enriched. PRMT4, 5 and 7-methylome were all enriched with proteins functioning in mRNA splicing.