We use ZooMS to obtain secure species identifications of key specimens of early domesticated fauna from South Africa, dating to ca. 2000 BP. Because it can be difficult to distinguish between fragmentary remains of early domesticates (sheep) and similar-sized local wild bovids (grey duiker, grey rhebok, springbok) based on morphology alone, we explore the use of biomolecular methods to make these distinctions. As well as the traditional method of analysing bone fragments, we show the utility of minimally destructive sampling methods such as PVC eraser and polishing films for successful ZooMS identification. We also show that collagen extracted more than 25 years ago for the purpose of radiocarbon dating can yield successful ZooMS identification. Our study demonstrates the importance of developing appropriate regional frameworks of comparison for future research using ZooMS as a method of biomolecular species identification on archaeological faunal assemblages. We confirm that the specimen from the site of Spoegrivier dated to 2105±65 BP is indeed a sheep. This is the earliest directly dated evidence of domesticated animals in southern Africa.