Hitherto, microenvironments provided by dermal analogues could not avoid frequent split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs) failure and scar fibrosis. We reported a novel method assembling 3D-printed dermal analogues (PDAs) with porcine dermal extracellular matrix(dECM)'s recapitulated the latter’s compositional and topological features. These optimized PADs reduced skin wounds contraction and improved cosmetic upshots proving superior to STSGs and commercially available dermal templates. Once grafted onto wounds beds, optimized PDAs evoked a type-2-like immune response, activated type-2 macrophages (M2-Mφ), upregulated anti-inflammatory genes like Wnt11, Fgf16 and ATF3, downregulated profibrotic genes like Il13r⍺2, Itg⍺11, and IL1β, and hindered fibrosis. Thus, PDAs' beneficial effects resulted from preserved dermis-specific ECM cues (by mass spectrometry analysis we identified more than 200 unique protein species inside our dECM powder) and well-balanced physicochemical properties, which collaboratively modulated crucial endogenous signaling pathways.