Comprehensive spectral libraries are essential in sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH-MS) based high throughput proteomic studies. Even though SWATH-MS assays provide robust quantitative proteomics data its applications to human T-cell studies are limited by the lack of a human T-cell spectral library. To address this resource gap, we generated a high-quality spectral library containing data for 3,941 unique proteins from primary human T-cells across genetically unrelated donors. SWATH-MS analysis of 18 primary T-cell samples using the new human T-cell spectral library identified and quantified 3,022 proteins at 1% FDR, whereas the larger Pan-human spectral library identified and quantified 2,794 proteins, with only 34% overlap. Combining the two libraries resulted in 4,061 proteins, covering ~50% of proteins in immune-related pathways. Overall, this data suggests DDA-MS is suited to discovery projects through to its enhanced sensitivity and SWATH-MS is suited to high-throughput projects.