Peroxisomes are metabolic organelles that perform a diverse array of critical functions in human physiology. Traditional isolation methods for peroxisomes can take more than one hour to complete and can be laborious to implement. To address this, we have now extended our prior work on rapid organellar isolation to peroxisomes via the development of a peroxisomally-localized 3XHA epitope tag (“PEROXO-Tag”) and associated immunoprecipitation (“PEROXO-IP”) workflow. Our PEROXO-IP workflow has excellent reproducibility, is easy to implement, and achieves highly rapid (~10 minutes post-homogenization) and specific isolation of human peroxisomes, which we characterize here via proteomic profiling. By offering speed, specificity, reproducibility, and ease of use, the PEROXO-IP workflow should facilitate studies on the biology of peroxisomes.