Updated project metadata. The shear stress-regulated lncRNA LASSIE interacts with junctional proteins (e.g. PECAM-1, which interacts with VE-cadherin) and influences endothelial barrier function. Here we characterize the remodeling of the VE-Cadherin complex by the lncRNA LASSIE. LASSIE silenced HUVECs were subjected to co-immunoprecipitation using an anti-VE-cadherin antibody. Differentially associated proteins were identified by Mass spectrometry. This analysis revealed a significantly decreased association of cytoskeleton-linked proteins with VE-cadherin after silencing of LASSIE. Functional assays confirmed this result and characterized LASSIE as a stabilizer of junctional complexes in endothelial cells, important for normal shear stress sensing and barrier function.