Expression of the macrophage immunometabolism regulator gene (MACIR) is associated with severity of autoimmune disease pathology and the regulation of macrophage biology through unknown mechanisms. The 206 amino acid protein lacks homology to any characterized protein sequence and is a disordered protein according to structure prediction algorithms. Here we identify specific interactions of MACIR using a fragment complementation-based affinity pull down of cellular proteins prepared with a membrane solubilization buffer. Quantitative mass spectrometry showed enrichment of nuclear and mitochondrial proteins and of 63 significant interacting proteins, binding to the nuclear transport receptor TNPO1 and trafficking proteins UNC119 homolog A and B were validated by immunoprecipitation. Analysis of mutations in two candidate recognition motifs in the MACIR amino acid sequence confirmed TNPO1 binds via a PY-NLS motif (aa98-117). Characterizing nuclear MACIR activity in macrophage and fibroblasts is a priority with respect to developing strategies for treatment of autoimmune disease.