Our understanding of the synergism between S. pneumoniae and influenza virus remains incomplete. The classic dogma has been that influenza attenuates the host innate immunity and increase the susceptibility to subsequent bacterial infection. Therefore, the majority of current studies have been focusing on the interaction of S. pneumoniae and influenza in the context of host cells. By contrast, in this study, we set out to investigate the response of pneumococcus alone to virus infection. Our hypothesis was that prior to causing any damages to host cells, influenza may have induced (lethal) changes to pneumococcus cell itself. Indeed, a very recent evidence has shown that direct viral treatment to pneumococcus will increase its adhesion to macrophage cells. Here, using quantitative phosphoproteomic approach, we attempt to investigate the global alterations of S. pneumoniae phosphorylation by influenza virus challenge, and provide a landscape of synergism between the IAV and pneumococcus.