Maintenance of genome integrity is critical to guarantee transfer of an intact genome from parent to offspring during cell division. DNA polymerases (Pols) provide roles in both replication of the genome and the repair of a wide range of lesions. Amongst replicative DNA Pols, translesion DNA Pols play a particular role: replication to bypass DNA damage, often at the cost of mutation. All cells express a range of translesion Pols, but little work has examined their function in parasites, including whether the enzymes might contribute to hostparasite interactions. Here, we describe a dual function of translesion PolN in African trypanosomes. Previously we demonstrated that PolN is associated with telomeric sequences and now we show that RNAi-mediated depletion of PolN results in slowed growth, altered DNA content, changes in cell morphology, and increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. Depletion of PolN leads to chromosome segregation defects and accumulation of DNA damage. We also show that PolN displays discrete localisation at the nuclear periphery in the absence of exogenous DNA damage. In addition, we demonstrate that PolN depletion leads to deregulation of telomeric variant surface glycoprotein genes, linking the function of this translesion DNA polymerase to host immune evasion by antigenic variation.