Updated project metadata. Terpenes synthases typically form complex molecular scaffolds by concerted activation and cyclization of linear starting materials in a single active site. We have determined that iridoid synthase, an atypical reductive terpene synthase, catalyses the activation of its substrate 8-oxogeranial into a reactive enol intermediate but does not catalyse the subsequent cyclisation into nepetalactol. This discovery led us to identify a class of nepetalactol-related short-chain dehydrogenase enzymes (NEPS) from catmint (Nepeta mussinii) which catalyse the stereoselective cyclisation of the enol intermediate into nepetalactol isomers. Subsequent oxidation of nepetalactols by NEPS1 provides nepetalactones, metabolites that are well known for both insect-repellent activity and euphoric effect in cats. Structural characterisation of the NEPS3 cyclase reveals it binds to NAD+ yet does not utilise it chemically for a non-oxidoreductive formal [4+2] cyclisation. These discoveries will complement metabolic reconstructions of iridoid and monoterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis.