The exchange of mobile genomic islands (MGIs) between microorganisms is often mediated by phages. As a consequence, not only phage genes are transferred, but also genes that have no particular function in the phage's lysogenic cycle. If they provide benefits to the phage's host, such genes are referred to as ‘morons’. The present study was aimed at characterizing a set of Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates with exceptional antibiotic resistance phenotypes from patients in a neonatal ward. Unexpectedly, these analyses unveiled the existence of a novel family of closely related MGIs in Enterobacteriaceae. The respective MGI from E. cloacae was named MIR17-GI. Importantly, our observations show that MIR17-GI-like MGIs harbor genes associated with high-level resistance to cephalosporins. Further, we show that MIR17-GI-like islands are associated with integrated P4-like prophages. This implicates phages in the spread of cephalosporin resistance amongst Enterobacteriaceae. The discovery of a novel family of MGIs spreading ‘cephalosporinase morons’ is of high clinical relevance, because high-level cephalosporin resistance has serious implications for the treatment of patients with Enterobacteriaceal infections.