Updated PubMed. Paladin (Pald1, mKIAA1274 or x99384) was identified in screens for vascular-specific genes and is a putative phosphatase. We have demonstrated that paladin has a predominant vascular expression pattern and shifts from endothelial to mural cells during mouse development. We have now characterized the Pald1 knock-out mouse in a broad array of behavioral, physiological and biochemical tests. Here, we show that female, but not male, Pald1 heterozygous and homozygous knock-out mice displayed an emphysema-like phenotype with increased alveolar air spaces and impaired lung function with obstructive changes. In contrast to many other tissues where Pald1 is restricted to the vascular compartment, Pald1 is expressed in both the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments of the postnatal lung. However, in Pald1 knock-out females, there is a specific increase in apoptosis and proliferation of endothelial cells, but not in non-endothelial cells. This results in a transient reduction of endothelial cells in the maturing lung. Our data suggests that paladin is required during lung vascular development and for normal function of the developing and adult lung in a sex-specific manner. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a sex-specific effect on endothelial cell apoptosis. Proteomic analysis of Pald1 wild type and knock-out mice reveal that most of the protein expression differences are related to sex and not genotype, supporting the notion that sex can be a major factor for lung development and disease. In addition, Pald1 wild type and knock-out mice exhibit differential expression of HPGD, hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15 (NAD), the major enzyme for degradation of prostaglandins.