Recently, three-dimensional small intestinal organoids (enteroids) have been developed from cultures of intestinal stem cells which differentiate in vitro to generate all the differentiated epithelial cell types associated with the intestine and mimic the structural properties of the intestine observed in vivo. Small-molecule drug treatment can skew organoid epithelial cell differentiation towards particular lineages, and these skewed enteroids may provide useful tools to study specific epithelial cell populations, such as goblet and Paneth cells. However, the use and characterisation of enteroid models has not yet been fully explored, such that the extent to which differentiated epithelial cell populations in these skewed enteroids represent their in vivo counterparts is not fully understood. In this study, we have performed label-free quantitative proteomics to determine whether skewing murine enteroid cultures towards the goblet or Paneth cell lineages results in changes in abundance of proteins associated with these cell lineages in vivo. Our data confirm that skewed enteroids recapitulate important features of the in vivo gut environment, confirming that they can serve as useful models for the investigation of normal and disease processes in the intestine. Furthermore, by comparison of our mass spectrometry data with histology data contained within the Human Protein Atlas, we identify putative novel markers for goblet and Paneth cells.