Updated project metadata. Wheat is the staple food of over 35% of the world’s population, accounts for 20% of all human calories, and its yield and quality improvement is a focus in the effort to meet new demands from population growth and changing diets. As the complexity of the wheat genome is unravelled, determining how it is used to build the protein machinery of wheat plants is a key next step in explaining detailed aspects of wheat growth and development. The specific functions of wheat organs during vegetative development and the role of metabolism, protein degradation and remobilisation in driving grain production are the foundations of crop performance and have recently become accessible through studies of the wheat proteome. With the aim of creating a resource complementary to current genome sequencing and assembly projects and to aid researchers in the specific analysis and measurement of wheat proteins of interest, we present a large scale, publicly accessible database of identified peptides and proteins derived from the proteome mapping of Triticum aestivum. This current dataset consists of twenty four organ and developmental samples in an online interactive resource allowing the selection, comparison and retrieval of proteomic data with rich biochemical annotation derived from multiple sources. Tissue specific sub-proteomes and ubiquitously expressed markers of the wheat proteome are identified alongside hierarchical assessment of protein functional classes and their presence in different tissues. The impact of wheat’s polyploid genome on proteome analysis and the effect on defining gene specific and protein family relationships is accounted for in the organisation of the data. The dataset will serve as a vehicle to build, refine and deposit confirmed targeted proteomic assays for wheat proteins and protein families to assess function.