Whole saliva is contains major, minor and gingival crevicular fluid/secretions and it plays vital role in maintaining the oral health, three pair of major salivary glands consist of parotid, submandibular and sub-lingual glands. Saliva is a good biological fluid to explore health and disease status of human. Further, the saliva secrets from major salivary glands and have various biomolecules such as, proteins, enzymes and ions originated from serum and saliva is easily accessible through a safe and noninvasive method. In contrast, the concentrations of biomolecules in saliva are generally one tenth to one thousand of the levels in blood. Ovulation is an exclusive process through the mature (pre-ovulatory) ovarian follicles reacts to the surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) and burst to discharge fertilizable oocytes. The LH surge initiates a flow of proteolytic actions with the aim of control ovulation. Presently, many salivary proteins are have been showed as a biomarker such as Sjogren’s syndrome, Lung cancer, oral and Systemic diseases, HIV-seropositive patients, dental pellicle development, and hyperglycemia. However, there is no prominent marker protein was reported for monitoring ovulation process in human saliva. It is important prediction of fertile period in women for various applications like assisted reproduction and invitro fertilization.