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PXD051100 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleCoupland et al., Cryo-EM of synaptic vesicles reveals loading-induced V-ATPase dissociation
DescriptionThis dataset consists of 4 raw mass spectrometry files and associated peak lists and results files, acquired on a Bruker timsTOF Pro 2 mass spectrometer operated in Data-Dependent Acquisition mode. Synaptic vesicle and cleared rat brain lysate samples were prepared and separated in SDS-PAGE gel, then processed for in-gel protease digestion by Claire Coupland. Mass spectrometric acquisition and database searches were performed by Network Biology Collaborative Centre at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute. Mass spec results were analyzed by Ji-Young Youn and John Rubinstein. The files are associated with a manuscript by Coupland et al. that determines the structure of synaptic vesicle V-ATPases and their associated proteins using Cryo-EM structural analysis. Mass spectrometry analysis is used to determine the protein components in purified synaptic vesicles. John Rubinstein is the corresponding author for the manuscript and should be contacted for questions regarding this dataset (john.rubinstein@utoronto.ca).
ReviewLevelNon peer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportSupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterJi-Young Youn
SpeciesList scientific name: rat; scientific name: Rattus norvegicus; common name: Norway rat; NCBI TaxID: 10116;
ModificationListN-acetylated residue; L-methionine sulfoxide; S-carboxamidomethyl-L-cysteine
InstrumenttimsTOF Pro 2
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02024-03-30 05:48:27ID requested
12024-06-06 08:33:02announced
Publication List
no publication
Keyword List
submitter keyword: Cryo electron microscopy, v-ATPase, synaptic vesicles
Contact List
John Rubinstein
contact affiliationMolecular Medicine Program, The Hospital for Sick Children; Department of Biochemistry and Department of Medical Biophysics, The University of Toronto
contact emailjohn.rubinstein@utoronto.ca
lab head
Ji-Young Youn
contact affiliationHospital for Sick Children
contact emailjiyoung.youn@sickkids.ca
dataset submitter
Full Dataset Link List
MassIVE dataset URI
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