HepG2 cells were seeded in six-well plates at a density of 1×106 cells per well. The cells were divided into the control group and the SC-43 group. The cells were exposed to a DMEM culture medium containing DMSO in the control group. The SC-43 group with the added SC-43 (4-hour node CC50 concentration) was then incubated for another 2h. Subsequently, the cells were rinsed twice with pre-cooled PBS and harvested with cell lysis buffer. The lysis buffer contained protease inhibitors and phosphatase inhibitors. The lysates were centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 10 minutes, 4℃, and the resulting supernatants were gathered as protein specimens. The protein reduction, alkylation and tryptic digestion were followed as filter-aided sample preparation (FASP). The digestion products were analyzed with liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS), followed by label-free quantitative analysis. The MS experiment was performed on a Q Exactive Plus mass spectrometer.