This project contains 5 subprojects as to explore role of CYR61 in ferroptosis. In project 1 and 5, lung cancer cells treated with DMSO, RSL3 or erastin for 24 h were collected to perform TMT in order to screen ferroptosis-related molecules. LC-MS/MS in project 2 and 3 were based on immunoprecipitation. anti-CYR61 or anti-ETFA antibodies were used to perform IP with extracted mitochondrial proteins. SAS-PAGE was performed to separate proteins. Gel strips were then cut by panel to perform LC-MS/MS to identify interacted proteins. In project4, blue native-PAGE (BNE) was first applied to separate mitochondrial complexes. Gels strips of target complexes were then isolated to perform LC-MS/MS as to identify components of target complexes.