Detection of species-specific proteotypic peptides for accurate and easy characterization of infectious non-tuberculous mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium abscessus is essential. Therefore, we carried out an in-depth global proteomic experiment using M. abscessus ATCC 19977 strain followed by proteome database search and spectral library generation. The lysate was subjected for in-solution proteomic sample preparation and fractionated using an off-line C18 StageTip. Each fraction was acquired in technical triplicates using a 180 min data-dependent acquisition (DDA) method in Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid (Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer. The resulting raw DDA data were searched against the M. abscessus proteome database using Proteome Discoverer and FragPipe. The resulting peptide spectrum matches were converted into a spectral library using BiblioSpec.