Updated project metadata. Electrophiles for covalent inhibitors that are suitable for in vivo administration are rare. While acrylamides are prevalent in FDA approved covalent drugs, chloroacetamides are considered too reactive for such purposes. We report sulfamate-based electrophiles that maintain chloroacetamide-like geometry, with tunable reactivity. We prepared sulfamate-based inhibitors for BTK and Pin1 displaying high potency, low intrinsic reactivity and high stability. Finally, we show that sulfamate acetamides can be used for covalent ligand-directed release (CoLDR) chemistry, both for the generation of ‘turn-on’ probes as well as for traceless ligand-directed site-specific labeling of proteins. Using alkyne-modified sulfamate-based probes, we performed proteomics studies with samples enriched with probe-bound proteins, and the sulfamate probes displayed comparable or improved selectivity compared to the parent compounds. Further characterization of off-target using IsoDTB-ABPP confirmed this result. This submission contains the IsoDTB data.