Updated project metadata. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the psychiatric disorder with the highest prevalence in the world. Pharmacological antidepressant treatment (AD), such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRI, i.e. fluoxetine (Flx)] is the first line of treatment for MDD. Despite its efficacy, lack of AD response occurs in numerous patients characterizing Difficult-to-treat Depression. ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a highly effective treatment inducing rapid improvement in depressive symptoms and high remission rates of ~50–63% in patients with pharmaco-resistant depression. Nevertheless, the need to develop reliable treatment response predictors to guide personalized AD strategies and supplement clinical observation is becoming a pressing clinical objective. Here, we propose to establish a proteomic peripheral biomarkers signature of ECT response in an anxio/depressive animal model of non-response to AD. Using an emotionality score based on the analysis complementary behavioral tests of anxiety/depression (Elevated Plus Maze, Novelty Suppressed Feeding, Splash Test), we showed that a 4-week corticosterone treatment (35 μg/ml, Cort model) in C57BL/6JRj male mice induced an anxiety/depressive-like behavior. A 28-days chronic fluoxetine treatment (Flx, 18 mg/kg/day) reduced corticosterone-induced increase in emotional behavior. A 50% decrease in emotionality score threshold before and after Flx, was used to separate Flx-responding mice (Flx-R, n=18), or Flx non-responder mice (Flx-NR, n=7). Then, Flx-NR mice received 7 sessions of electroconvulsive seizure (ECS, equivalent to ECT in humans) and blood was collected before and after ECS treatment. Chronic ECS normalized the elevated emotionality observed in Flx-NR mice. Then, proteins were extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and isolated for proteomic analysis using a high-resolution MS Orbitrap. The proteomic analysis revealed a signature of 33 peripheral proteins associated with response to ECS (7 down- and 26 upregulated). These proteins were previously associated with mental disorders and involved in regulating pathways which participate to the depressive disorder etiology. remark for sample name : ECTR=Flx-NR-ES, C=cort/Veh, CFNR= Flx-NR