PXD036085 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.
Dataset Summary
Title | Protein Profiling of Forehead and Scalp Corneocytes in Androgenetic versus Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia |
Description | Protein profiling offers an effective approach to characterizing the departure from normal of epidermis in disease states. The present investigation tested the hypothesis that the differentiation of epidermal corneocytes is perturbed in the forehead of subjects exhibiting frontal fibrosing alopecia. To this end, samples were collected by tape stripping from subjects diagnosed with this condition and compared to those from asymptomatic control subjects and from those exhibiting androgenetic alopecia. Unlike the latter, which exhibited only 3 proteins significantly different from controls, forehead samples from frontal fibrosing alopecia subjects displayed 72 proteins significantly different from controls, nearly two-thirds having lower expression. Comparison to corresponding profiles in scalp samples from frontal fibrosing alopecia and androgenetic alopecia suggested the perturbation of epidermal differentiation in the former was even greater in the scalp. |
HostingRepository | MassIVE |
AnnounceDate | 2022-09-10 |
AnnouncementXML | Submission_2022-09-10_14:03:43.856.xml |
DigitalObjectIdentifier | |
ReviewLevel | Non peer-reviewed dataset |
DatasetOrigin | Original dataset |
RepositorySupport | Unsupported dataset by repository |
PrimarySubmitter | Brett Phinney |
SpeciesList | scientific name: Homo sapiens; common name: human; NCBI TaxID: 9606; |
ModificationList | Carbamidomethyl; Oxidation |
Instrument | Orbitrap Exploris 480 |
Dataset History
Revision | Datetime | Status | ChangeLog Entry |
0 | 2022-08-16 10:44:51 | ID requested | |
⏵ 1 | 2022-09-10 14:03:44 | announced |
Publication List
no publication |
Keyword List
submitter keyword: Alopecia, scalp, hair, keratin |
Contact List
Robert H. Rice | |
contact affiliation | Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, CA USA |
contact email | rhrice@ucdavis.edu |
lab head | |
Brett Phinney | |
contact affiliation | UC Davis |
contact email | brettsp@ucdavis.edu |
dataset submitter |
Full Dataset Link List
MassIVE dataset URI |
Dataset FTP location NOTE: Most web browsers have now discontinued native support for FTP access within the browser window. But you can usually install another FTP app (we recommend FileZilla) and configure your browser to launch the external application when you click on this FTP link. Or otherwise, launch an app that supports FTP (like FileZilla) and use this address: ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000090141/ |