Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (B. thetaiotaomicron) is an essential bacterial representative of the human gut microbiome that metabolizes a wide range of dietary and mucosal polysaccharides. Here, we analyze the intracellular proteomic response of in vitro grown B. thetaiotaomicron to the metabolic switch from glucose to sucrose as the sole carbon source. To determine the effects of nutrient metabolism, we applied two LC-based quantitative proteomics approaches encompassing label free quantification (LFQ) and isobaric labeling by tandem mass tags (TMT). The obtained results were compared with respect to the number of identified and quantified proteins, peptides supporting identification and quantification, sequence coverage, reproducibility, and statistical findings. A total of 1719 and 1696 proteins were quantified, covering 35 % of the predicted B. thetaiotaomicron proteome. Both approaches provide a high degree of quantitative and qualitative data, showing that sucrose molecules are metabolized using enzymes and transport systems encoded by a specific polysaccharide utilization locus for fructan metabolism.