PEDV wildtype strain (HNXX) infected Vero cells could form typical syncytial lesions, resulting in cell membrane rearrangement. In order to study which proteins are involved in the rearrangement of cell membrane, we infected Vero cells with PEDV. To capture the intact cell membrane at the same time as the occurrence of lesions caused by PEDV, membrane protein was collected at 18 hours post infection. iTRAQ-based quantitative membrane proteomics was used in analysing host proteins differentially expressed in PEDV-infected Vero cells and the control group. In this quantitative proteomics experiments results, a total of 4579 proteins were identified. Significantly upregulated or downregulated proteins were determined with a p-value of <0.05 and FC of <0.83 or >1.20. After bioinformatics data analysis, Ten proteins were found significantly upregulated, and eleven proteins were markedly downregulated after virus infection. Approximately 47% of these proteins were membrane proteins or membrane-associated proteins.